Music Step Academy's Safeguarding Policy

Music Step Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our students and expects everyone representing Music Step Academy to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their full potential.

Music Step Academy represents a collective of top-tier and experienced music teachers who operate as self-employed educators and contractors, providing services to Music Step Academy on an independent basis. All teachers possess extensive experience in working with students of all ages, including minors under 18 years old and adults. We offer private music instruction and other music-related education in various settings, such as the homes of students or teachers, offices, designated spaces in the UK, and online platforms.

During lessons, there may be instances of unsupervised interactions with minors and vulnerable individuals. Music Step Academy acknowledges its duty to uphold best practices and the highest standards of conduct and safety to protect children and vulnerable adults. Additionally, Music Step Academy recognizes that robust safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures benefit our self-employed teachers by protecting them from misunderstandings or erroneous allegations.

We take extra safety measures when selecting and filtering teachers to join our faculty roster, so that our students, parents, guardians and carers will have an extra peace of mind when choosing our service:

All self-employed teachers providing music or music-related services for Music Step Academy, or any persons that act on behalf of Music Step Academy are required to provide a

1) copy of their Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate

2) CV and

3) 2 written references, checked and dated. Referees are specifically asked about the character and any safeguarding concerns regarding the applicant.

Music Step Academy ensures that all self-employed teachers have fully read, understood and signed Music Step Academy's strict safeguarding policy. In addition, all self-employed teachers go through a

4) detailed safeguarding interview and training with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) of Music Step Academy before providing any services to students,

to further ensure the implementation of the safeguarding policy and procedure.

5) Music Step Academy also conducts identity verification of potential candidates, including eligibility to work checks.

Records of these checks are maintained in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and are securely stored. All applicants undergo interviews prior to appointment, and the interview process includes inquiries about applicants’ attitudes toward safeguarding and their understanding of current statutory requirements and best practices.

Music Step Academy is committed to practices that protect children from harm and minimize risks to students' welfare. Additionally, we acknowledge our responsibility to promptly address any concerns regarding students' welfare by collaborating closely with relevant agencies and services.

This document does not establish a contractual agreement between Music Step Academy and any individual. However, both the contracts with our self-employed teachers and the Terms and Conditions for students contain provisions that reference this set of guidelines.

By signing the instructor contract or scheduling a lesson with Music Step Academy, individuals affirm their commitment to adhering to the policies and conduct standards outlined herein.

This guideline applies to any individual who interacts with students while engaged in activities associated with Music Step Academy. All policies and terms and conditions will be followed by all individuals working with or on behalf of Music Step Academy. This includes all self-employed instructors, the director, and other service contractors providing assistance to the academy, hereafter referred to as "teachers".

Anyone receiving services from Music Step Academy is referred to as a "student". A "child" is defined as anyone under 18 years old.

**Scope:** Safeguarding is the responsibility of all individuals involved in activities associated with Music Step Academy. All those who provide services to Music Step Academy are equally responsible for understanding and implementing this policy and its procedures at all times, including outside of in-person or online lessons and related activities. All new self-employed teachers engaged by Music Step Academy must acknowledge that they have read, understood, and will comply with this policy by signing the Policies Register.

**Monitoring and Review:** This policy is subject to continuous monitoring, refinement, and audit by the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DSL will conduct a comprehensive annual review of this policy and its procedures, including the implementation and effectiveness of the related duties. Individuals associated with Music Step Academy have the opportunity to contribute to and influence our safeguarding arrangements and child protection policy. Any deficiencies or weaknesses identified in the arrangements or procedures will be addressed immediately and without delay. This policy is reviewed annually or earlier if changes to systems and arrangements occur, or if required by legislation, regulatory requirements, or best practice guidelines. All individuals at Music Step Academy, including teachers and students, will be informed of the updated/reviewed policy, which will be made available to them in either a hard copy or electronic format.

Child Protection: All self-employed teachers at Music Step Academy are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to all safeguarding concerns in accordance with our established procedures. We foster a culture of listening to students, identifying and acting on early signs of abuse and neglect, and reassessing concerns when situations do not improve to ensure the provision of the right help at the right time to address risks and prevent escalation. Allegations, concerns, suspicions, and complaints against all self-employed teachers are addressed promptly and in accordance with the Department for Education and local guidance.

We will always act in the best interests of the student. Any person may make a referral to external agencies, such as the London Safeguarding Children's Partnership, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), and the police, if necessary.

Music Step Academy's Safeguarding Guideline for Teachers

**Sequence of Events to be Followed When a Young Person Discloses Abuse or Neglect:**

The following strict guidance pertains to any disclosures about events during or outside the hours of music services provided by Music Step Academy, involving adults or other students.

**Music Step Academy’s Golden Rules:**

If a student discloses abuse, it is important to:

- Listen attentively, remain calm and reassuring, and be non-judgmental.

- Avoid condemning the alleged abuser, and allow the student to express their feelings without making assumptions.

- Allow the student as much time as needed to talk.

- Use open questions such as, "Is there anything else you need to tell me?" and avoid leading questions like, "Did they...?"

- Tell the student that it was right to inform someone, reassure them that it is not their fault, and explain what will happen next.

- Carefully record the discussion as soon as possible after the event, attempting to document verbatim what the student has said.

- Sign and date this record, noting the time, location/setting, student's demeanor, and any persons representing Music Step Academy involved in the discussion. (If the account is typed, the original handwritten notes must be submitted alongside the typed version.)

- Reassure the student that they are not to blame, acknowledge how difficult it must have been to confide in you, and seek medical assistance if necessary without delay.

**Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Guiding Principles: The Seven R’s**


- Listen to the student, accept what is said, and take it seriously without displaying shock or disbelief.

- Make a note of what has been said as soon as practicable.

- Create a safe environment by offering the student a private and safe place if possible. Stay calm and reassure the student, but advise that you cannot promise to keep a secret or maintain confidentiality if it is not in the student's best interest. Suggested wording: “I will keep our conversation confidential and agree with you what information I can share unless you tell me something that will affect your personal safety or is illegal. I will inform you if I need to pass information on and to whom.”

- Reassure the student with honest and reliable statements.

- Do not make promises you may not be able to keep, such as, "I'll stay with you," "everything will be alright," or "I'll keep this confidential."

- Reassure the student with statements such as: "I believe you," "I'm glad you came to me," "I'm sorry this happened," and "We will work together to get help."


- Respond to the student only as necessary to determine if a referral is needed, but do not interrogate for full details.

- Do not ask the student why something happened.

- Do not criticize the alleged perpetrator(s); the student may care about them, and reconciliation may be possible.

- Do not ask the student to repeat their account for another member of Music Step Academy. Explain what you need to do next and who you need to talk to, reassuring the student that it will be dealt with by the DSL.

- Seek the student's consent to share any disclosed information, but if consent is not given, explain why the DSL must be informed.

- When the student has finished, do not leave them alone; speak to someone who can help keep the student safe.


- Share concerns with the DSL immediately or follow procedures for allegations against members representing Music Step Academy.

- If unable to contact the DSL or Deputy DSL, and the student is at immediate risk, contact the C-SPA or Police directly as appropriate.

- If dissatisfied with the response to your concerns, press for reconsideration.


- If possible, make brief notes at the time and write them up as soon as possible. Keep original notes on file.

- Record the date, time, place, persons present, noticeable nonverbal behavior, and the student's words. If the student uses specific terms, record their actual words.

- If appropriate, complete a body map to indicate the position of any noticeable bruising.

- Record facts and observable details, rather than interpretations or assumptions.


- Support the student: listen, reassure, and be available.

- Share your knowledge only with appropriate professional colleagues. Seek support for yourself if needed.

**Review (led by DSL):**

- Assess whether actions taken provided good outcomes for the student. Evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure.

- Identify and remedy any deficiencies or weaknesses in the procedure. Determine if further training is required.

Keep the following points in mind:

- Do not take responsibility for investigating the allegation yourself; investigation is the statutory responsibility of Children's Services and/or police. Do not approach or inform the alleged abuser.

- Do not assume someone else will take necessary action.

- Never take photographs of injuries or examine marks solely to assess whether they result from abuse.

- Do not speculate, confront the alleged abuser, or offer opinions about the situation.

- Never fail to pass information to the appropriate person or ask the student to sign a copy of the disclosure or a 'statement.'

Anyone working on behalf of Music Step Academy has been instructed the following information - they have understood and signed the following terms and conditions:

It is not necessary to demonstrate how to sing or play an instrument with physical contact - physical contact between children and/or vulnerable adults and teachers should be avoided to maintain professional boundaries and ensure that children and/or vulnerable adults are safe and comfortable in their lessons. There are limited circumstances where physical contact may be necessary - in which case teachers must report any occurrences to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) within 7 working days. These circumstances may include: 1) Appropriate response to prevent an accident or injury to a child or any other person, for instance, to prevent someone from hitting something or falling 2) Appropriate response to prevent damage to surrounding area or objects, for instance students' home, teachers' office or instrument. 3) Providing urgent medical assistance.

Teachers must not initiate direct contact through electronic communication with a child without the consent and supervision of a parent or guardian, for instance engaging in social media or direct text messages. Any electronic communication between anyone at Music Step Academy and children must be conducted either through a parent or guardian, or under direct supervision of the parent or guardian, for instance by copying them into emails.

Teachers must not take photos, videos or any kind of recordings of students under 18 years old without written consent of their parents or carers, or the written consent of students if the students are 18 years old plus themselves. Students are welcome to record their lessons for their own learning progress with their teachers' verbal or written approval, other than regular group classes provided by Music Step Academy as shown in the link Any recordings recorded by students must not be shown by anyone but the students, parents or carers themselves.

Music Step Academy has a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which students can learn. We do this by:

  1. ensuring that teachers are appropriately trained in safeguarding and child protection
  2. encouraging the self-esteem and self-assertiveness of all students so that the students themselves become aware of danger and risk and what is acceptable behaviour and what is not
  3. understanding how to identify students who may be at risk of radicalisation and knowing how to support them
  4. always following safer recruitment procedures when selecting teachers to work in Music Step Academy
  5. taking all practicable steps to ensure that premises for conducting lessons are as secure as circumstances permit
  6. giving all members of Music Step Academy the opportunity to contribute to, and shape, safeguarding arrangements and safeguarding policy

Allegations against anyone working for or volunteers for Music Step Academy: this policy applies in situations where any individual associated with Music Step Academy, whether as an employee or volunteer, has caused, may have caused, or presents a potential risk of harm to a child.

Any allegations are promptly reported to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) at Music Step Academy. The DSL will immediately liaise with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) to discuss the allegation and act according to their guidance. The DSL will ensure that affected students (if over 18) or their parents/guardians are kept informed, while the accused individual will not be informed directly. Allegations against former employees or historical cases will be referred to the appropriate authorities, including the police.

Within 24 hours, the DSL will consult with the LADO for further direction, including the initiation of any necessary investigations. Police will be notified if criminal activity is suspected.

To assess the outcomes of allegation investigations, the following definitions are employed:

  • Unsubstantiated, false, or malicious allegations: If an allegation is found to lack evidence or is determined to be false or malicious, the DSL will consider if there are underlying issues prompting such claims and may refer the matter to children’s social care for further support. Malicious allegations may result in disciplinary action, including a ban on the student's participation in Music Step Academy programs. In cases where a parent makes such allegations, the student's enrollment may be terminated, unless a constructive professional relationship can be established going forward.
  • Low-level concerns: Music Step Academy acknowledges the importance of addressing and reporting all safeguarding concerns, regardless of perceived severity, as they may escalate over time. These concerns encompass behaviors that do not meet the threshold for immediate referral but are deemed inappropriate or potentially harmful. Members of Music Step Academy are required to report all low-level concerns to the DSL.

The "harms threshold" defines behaviors that elevate concerns to a level requiring immediate action, including instances where an adult has:

  • Behaved in a manner causing harm or potential harm to a student.
  • Committed or possibly committed a criminal offense against a student.
  • Displayed behavior indicating a risk of harm to students.
  • Demonstrated behavior unsuitable for working with students.

All low-level concerns involving Music Step Academy members must be reported to the DSL for appropriate action.

Implementation of Safeguarding and Emergency Contact form:

Music Step Academy will ensure that all students and their caregivers are informed of the individual who holds overall responsibility for child protection and safeguarding, referred to as the "Designated Safeguarding Lead" (DSL), along with the DSL's contact details. This enables students and their caregivers to report any concerns or incidents where students may be harmed.

Music Step Academy acknowledges the importance of maintaining up-to-date and accurate information about students. Therefore, we will regularly request all parents and caregivers to provide the following information and notify us of any changes. This information will be treated as confidential and will be shared with relevant members of Music Step Academy as appropriate:

  1. names and contact details of persons with whom the student normally lives
  2. names and contact details of all persons with parental responsibility
  3. details of TWO emergency contacts
  4. name and contact details of the student’s GP
  5. medical and other needs
  6. any other factors which may affect the safety and welfare of the student
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