Terms and Conditions for Anyone Subscribing Services from Music Step Academy

1. Agreement
Music Step Academy is music school agency in which we act as an agent on behalf our Teachers or Contractors providing music services. By booking music services with Music Step Academy, You as the Student or, if the Student is under 18 years of age, the Student’s parent or carer, enter into a direct legally binding contract with the Teacher or the Contractor. Music Step Academy acts solely as a mediator between the Teacher or the Contractor and the Student/ Student’s parent/ carer. Upon signing this agreement, you agree to all the terms and conditions in this document.

2. Lessons Booking Platform
Music Step Academy provides an online platform for you to book your lesson, or a lesson package with the Teacher, or other music services. You can request an appointment time on our system and input your payment details. Once Music Step Academy confirms the request of your booking, You will be charged before the booking takes place. Please note that Music Step Academy charges the Teacher or the Contractor an agency fee for each service they provide to our Students.

3. Payment
You will pay the fees for each lesson, or a full lesson package, or the music service requested in full on or before the lesson, or the first lesson of the lesson package, or before the music service takes place, via credit card payment or bank transfer.

4. Cancellation policy
The Teacher or the Contractor will give you a written confirmation of the date(s) and time(s) of the lesson or music service appointment. The Teacher or the Contractor and You may agree to vary the timetable of lessons/ music service subject to written confirmation by each party to any agreed changes up to 24 hours before each appointment takes place. In a lesson package, any changes can be made up to 24 hours before each lesson appointment.

Music Step Academy will charge full amount for any scheduled lessons which the Student does not attend, unless either i) the Student (or the Student’s parent or carer) has given Music Step Academy at least 24 hours’ written notice via email at info@musicstepacademy.com or via Whatsapp text at +447869239003, ii) the Teacher or the Contractor chooses not to do so because of exceptional circumstances. If the Teacher or the Contractor cancels a scheduled appointment, the Student (or the Student’s parent or carer) may choose between (i) receiving a replacement appointment by the same or another Teacher or Contractor or (ii) receiving a full refund of the lesson fee.
While Music Step Academy, the Teacher and the Contractor aim to be as understanding and flexible as possible, Music Step Academy, the Teacher or the Contractor reserve the right to deny any request of changes or cancellations by the Student, parent or carer of the Student within 24 hours of the scheduled confirmed appointment.

5. Refunds
Lesson/ music service appointment fees are non-refundable upon payment made, except (i) in exceptional circumstances which are subject to mutual agreement and discretion to both Music Step Academy and the Teacher or the Contractor, or (ii) in the scenario in which either Music Step Academy or the Teacher or the Contractor cancels the lesson and no cover teacher can be arranged, or (iii) in the case in which Music Step Academy or the Teacher or the Contractor cannot find a mutually agreed time with the Student for the replacement lesson or appointment.

6. Changes in fees
You will be notified in writing upon any changes in the lesson charges at least 5 working days before the effective date of the changes.

7. Additional lessons
To book additional lessons, use the appointment request system on Music Step Academy’s website, or send request via email at info@musicstepacademy.com or via Whatsapp text at +447869239003.

8. Termination of tuition
(a) This Agreement may be ended by mutual consent at any time by both signatories to it signing and dating a written statement to that effect.
(b) Where fees are not paid on time, Music Step Academy or the Teacher or the Contractor reserves the right, entirely at the Teacher’s discretion, to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice of termination to you. This right to terminate is without prejudice to any other rights the teacher or the Contractor may have.
(c) Either signatory to this Agreement may terminate the Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other signatory. Such termination will take effect immediately, except that if a lesson is scheduled to take place within 24 hours of notice being given by you, that lesson must be paid for.

9. Communication between the parties
Written notice may be given via email at info@musicstepacademy.com or by WhatsApp text message at +447869239003 only.

10. Changes
(a) Any changes to the terms of this Agreement must be confirmed in writing and signed and dated by both Music Step Academy and you.
(b) If Music Step Academy chooses to waive any right or remedy under this Agreement or otherwise (for example, if Music Step Academy chooses to waive fees for any lessons which the you do not attend) this shall not mean that Music Step Academy must do so in future or that Music Step Academy waives any other rights or remedies, unless agreed in writing.

11. Governing law and jurisdiction
This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the jurisdiction of the location for the lessons and the signatories to this Agreement agree that any dispute relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that jurisdiction.

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